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Problems with isolatin1m-tex.xdy

Hi all, 

I am writing a xindy style for use in spanish, and found a couple of
problems in isolatin1m-tex.xdy. The merging rule for í (and similars) is

(merge-rule "\'\i" "í" :string :again)

However í is written by LaTeX to file.idx as one of

{\'\i }

and is not correctly indexed. I think the merging rules for í should
also include

(merge-rule "{\'\i}" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\'\i }" "í" :string :again)

I think this other form

(merge-rule "\'{\i}" "í" :string :again)

is only present if manually entered that way in \index{}, but it
probably worths to add it just in case.

This avoid sortings like


This problem is presumably present in the other accented i characters.

There is also a problem when LaTeX writes an accented i in file.idx as
in límites,

l\IeC {\'\i }mites

since the command \IeC is not ignored during the sorting, giving
undesired orderings like


This is the set of rules I added to cope with that problems

(merge-rule "{\'\i}" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\'\i }" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\'{\i}" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\`\i}" "ě" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\`\i }" "ě" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\`{\i}" "ě" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\~"\i}" "ď" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\~"\i }" "ď" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\~"{\i}" "ď" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\^\i}" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\^\i }" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\^{\i}" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\IeC " "" :string :again)


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,,