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Re: Indexing bibleverses

Manfred Kirschhock writes:
 > Hello!
 > I'm trying XINDYDOS for indexing a biblevers index but it doesn´t 
 > run. Here a example of the idx-file created with LaTeX:
 > \indexentry{EH1.20|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH1.1|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{K1.2|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH1.4,11|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH1.1|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH1.20|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH10.7|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{K2.2|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH17.7|hyperpage}{3}
 > \indexentry{EH1.1|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{EH1.19|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{EH1.19|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{EH1.19|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{JJ11.2|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{EH2.11|hyperpage}{4}
 > \indexentry{M13.1--23|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.24--30|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.31--32|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.33|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.44|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.45--46|hyperpage}{5}
 > \indexentry{M13.47--50|hyperpage}{5}
 > I have a special biblevers abbreviation and sequence that I wrote in 
 > a xdy-file:
 > (define-alphabet "bible-chapters" ("1M" "2M" "3M" "4M" "5M" "JS" "RC" 
 > "1S" "2S" "1R" "2R" "JJ" "JR" "JC" "HO" "JL" "AM" "OB" "JN" "MH" "NA" 
 > "CB" "Z" "CG" "S" "MA" "LB" "VG" "IB" "LL" "RU" "EJ" "ST" "ÄT" "D" 
 > "ÄR" "N" "1W" "2W" "M" "MK" "L" "J" "R" "1K" "2K" "G" "E" "P" "K" 
 > "1TH" "2TH" "H" "1T" "2T" "T" "PM" "A" "JK" "1P" "2P" "1J" "2J" "3J" 
 > "JD" "EH"))
 > (define-location-class "bible-verses"
 > ("bible-chapters" :sep ""
 > "arabic-numbers" :sep "." "arabic-numbers"))
 > With this file I start Xindy but it reports only errors like this:
 > This is `xindy' version 2.0 (OS2  binary version 2.0).
 > Reading indexstyle...
 > Loading module "bs.xdy"...
 > Loading module "tex/makeidx4.xdy"...
 > Finished loading module "tex/makeidx4.xdy".
 > Finished loading module "bs.xdy".
 > Finished reading indexstyle.
 > Finalizing indexstyle... (done)
 > Reading raw-index "bs.raw"...
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "3" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "4" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "4" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "4" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "4" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > WARNING: location-reference "4" did not match any location-class! 
 > (ignored)
 > .
 > .
 > .
 > Can anyone help me to fix the error?

Your basic approach looks promising though in the raw index you have
mixed up location-references with index entry keys. The defintion of
your location-class "bible-verses" above is ok but in the raw index
your location-references are "3", "4", "5", etc., i.e. page numbers
and not bible verses. 

I don't exactly know what you have expected as the outcome of this
index style in conjuction with this raw index. If you intended to have
something like

  keyword A,  K2.2, K3.1, 
  keyword B,  K2.1, M13.11-13

then the location references are "K2.2", etc. In order to be able to
process this your raw index should look like 

 \indexentry{keyword A}{K2.2}
 \indexentry{keyword A}{K3.1}
which is not exactly what is given above. Maybe you should first
clarify what kind of index you want.

Cheers, Roger

Roger Kehr
Computer Science Department         Darmstadt University of Technology