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Modules for spanish language under xindy

Hi all,

I have prepared a couple of modules for sorting indexes according to the
spanish rules,


	follows the modern ordering, with the a-z alphabet plus ñ between n and


	follows the traditional ordering, with the a-z alphabet, plus ñ between
n and o, ch as a single letter between c and d, and ll as a single
letter between l and m.

This files seem to work in my examples. I am not an expert in xindy, so
any suggestion is highly welcome.

Congratulations to the xindy team, I am finding it very useful. I intend
to speak a bit about it in a spanish TeX workshop to be held in
september, with a general overview and its application to spanish. I am
sure people will like it.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,,
;; $Id: msg00133.html,v 1.1 2004/01/08 19:29:17 jschrod Exp $

;; Cargamos el makeidx.xdy original para partir de él
;; First we will load original makeidx.xdy to use it

(require "tex/makeidx.xdy")

;; definimos el alfabeto castellano moderno con la letra , y 
;; ch y ll compuestas de dos letras
;; We define modern spanish alphabet with ñ and ch and ll 
;; as composed of two charecters

    ("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m"
     "n" "ñ" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"))


(require "tex/isolatin1m.xdy")
(require "tex/isolatin1s.xdy")
(require "rules/isolatin1-tolower.xdy")

;; These lines are to deal with a problem related to the different ways
;; tex can write an accented i to the .idx file
;; Presumably will go soon into isolatin1s-tex.xdy 

(merge-rule "{\'\i}" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\'\i }" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\'{\i}" "í" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\`\i}" "ì" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\`\i }" "ì" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\`{\i}" "ì" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\~"\i}" "ï" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\~"\i }" "ï" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\~"{\i}" "ï" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\^\i}" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "{\^\i }" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\^{\i}" "î" :string :again)
(merge-rule "\IeC " "" :string :again)

;; Añadimos las sort-rules para caracteres acentuados en castellano
;; con algunas letras acentuadas y caracteres que no existen por si 
;; acaso aparecen en nombres
;; Adding sort-rules for spanish accented characters as well as for 
;; other accented characters that are not present in spanish,
;; but can be present in names 

(sort-rule "á" "a")
(sort-rule "à" "a")
(sort-rule "ä" "a")
(sort-rule "â" "a")
(sort-rule "é" "e")
(sort-rule "è" "e")
(sort-rule "ë" "e")
(sort-rule "ê" "e")
(sort-rule "í" "i")
(sort-rule "ì" "i")
(sort-rule "ï" "i")
(sort-rule "î" "i")
(sort-rule "ó" "o")
(sort-rule "ò" "o")
(sort-rule "ö" "o")
(sort-rule "ô" "o")
(sort-rule "ú" "u")
(sort-rule "ù" "u")
(sort-rule "ü" "u")
(sort-rule "û" "u")

;;  and for some special characters

(sort-rule "ß" "ss")

;; That's all ;-)

;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp
;; End:

;; $Id: msg00133.html,v 1.1 2004/01/08 19:29:17 jschrod Exp $

;; Cargamos lang/spanish/es-moder.xdy para tenerlo de base
;; First we will load es-modern.xdy and make modifications to it

(require "lang/spanish/es-moder.xdy")

;; Definimos el albabeto castellano con las letras ch, ll y ñ
;; (con ch y ll consideradas como letras con entidad propia)
;; We define spanish alphabet with ch, ll y ñ.

    ("a" "b" "c" "ch" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "ll" "m"
     "n" "ñ" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"))

;;  y para algunas combinaciones de ch y ll
;;  and for some combinations of ch and ll

(sort-rule "CH" "ch")
(sort-rule "Ch" "ch")
(sort-rule "LL" "ll")
(sort-rule "Ll" "ll")

;; That's all ;-)

;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp
;; End: