"Monahan, George" <gmonahan@uiuc.edu> writes: Hi George, > I am trying to install and run xindy on a Pentium II running Windows 98. > The MSDOS package that I downloaded from CTAN does not have the tutorial, > template files, and library of index modules mentioned in some of the xindy > documentation. the xindy distribution consists of two parts - the platform-dependent and the platform-independent files. The MSDOS package contains only the platform-dependent parts. You find the rest (modules and documentation) in the file 'xindy-2.0b.tar.gz'. To unpack this file you need Windows ports of gzip and tar. I think you'll find them on the CTAN server, too. Just search for gzip and tar.exe. Please tell me if the MSDOS port works on Windows98 (it's not tested yet). CU Joerg