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Re: Xindy 1.2.1 and Allegro Common-Lisp (was: Xindy and Allegro Common-Lisp)

Bernd Raichle wrote:

> : (defmacro simple-condition-format-string (&rest)
> : 	`(simple-condition-format-control ,@rest))
> :
> : is my current solution. It seems that CLISP doesn't understand this.
> : Maybe I should ask on the mailing-list, why not.
> CLISP doesn't have implemented the last X3J13 changes?

Not all of them as you can see. I think it would be a good idea to
make Allegro the Lisp version of my choice from now on :)

> : > - "idxstyle.lsp"
> : >   (open ... :direction :input-immutable ...)
> : >   is non-standard, only :input, :output, :io, and :probe are allowed.
> : >   Fix: changed :input-immutable to :input.
> : Ok. This is new to me. Wonder why I didn't find it?
> Can you explain what the differences beetwen ``:input'' and
> ``:input-immutable'' are?

I borrowed this from the implementation of function `load' int the
CLISP-source :) I never asked if it is standard.

> [...]
> : > Additionally I have rewritten the shell script "xindy" to call Allegro
> : > CL instead of CLISP.  "xindy -v" works, and the first test with
> : > "attr1.xdy/.raw" gives the following result:
> [...]
> : > Mmmh, if I trace
> : >
> : > USER(3): (trace idxstyle::find-file idxstyle::append-pathnames probe-file)
> : > USER(4):    (searchpath ".:/home/raichle/xindy/lib/modules")
> : > (#p"/" #p"/home/raichle/xindy/lib/modules/")
> :      ^^^
> : This should be #"./". At least this is not as expected.
> I have found this "bug" ... it was the new (searchpath ...) call in
> file "testbed.xdy".  To make the test I have copied this file without
> changing it appropriately :-(

Ok. That helps a lot.

> I have got Xindy 1.2.1 and now these are the "bugs" and necessary
> changes I have found so far:
> - ".../binaries/.../defaults.xdy", "idxstyle.lsp", "markup.lsp"
>   *load-paths*                is not external
>                               (and not imported to the USER package).
>   Fix: in "idxstyle.lsp"
>         (export 'idxstyle:*load-paths*)
>   and either change ".../binaries/.../Makefile" to access
>   idxstyle:*load-paths* instead of *load-paths* or import this symbols
>   to the USER package.
>   (I have missed to report this bug last time.)


> - "markup.lsp"
>   When opening the `logfile' in function `do-startup' add the
>   keyword/value
>         :if-exists :overwrite
>   to the `open' function call.  The default for :if-exists is :error,
>   i.e. signal an error if file to be written exists.
>   Same change needed when opening the `output' file in this function.

CLISP did never report an error :)

> With these changes, I was able to startup Allegro CL, load all
> necessary files (without warnings), and start a first test (after
> adding ":last" to the search path in my copy of "testbed.xdy") with
>    (xindy:startup :idxstyle "attr1.xdy"
>                   :rawindex "attr1.raw"
>                   :output   "attr1.ind"
>                   :logfile "attr1.xlg"   :trace-level 1)
> which returns with the following error:
> [...]
> Loading module "testbed.xdy"...
> Finished loading module "testbed.xdy".
> Loading module "class/pagenums.xdy"...
> Error in line 6:
> ;; $Id: msg00027.html,v 1.1 2004/01/08 19:29:17 jschrod Exp $
> ;;
> ;; This module defines the location-class "page-numbers"
> (define-location-class "page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
> Error in line 11:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;
> ;; The rest
> (require "class/pagenums.xdy")
> Error: No methods applicable for generic function
>        (#<PROGRAM-ERROR @ #x90335a>) of classes (PROGRAM-ERROR)
>   [condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
> There seems to be a bug w.r.t. Allegro CL in
>         (define-location-class ...)
> which I'm unable to find :-((((
> For more, see below.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Compiling the source files:
> I get warnings for all top level forms (use-package, export, ...):
> ; While compiling (:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "base.lsp" 124):
> Warning: compile-file found "USE-PACKAGE" at the top-level --  see the
>          documentation for comp:*cltl1-compile-file-toplevel-compatibility-p*

When I played aroung with Allegro I did a

   (setq comp:*cltl1-compile-file-toplevel-compatibility-p* t)

to overcome these messages.

> base.lsp:
> =========
> USER(12): (compile-file "xindy:src;base.lsp")
> ;;; Compiling file xindy:src;base.lsp
> [...]
> ; Compiling SPLIT-LIST
> Error: Attempt to take the cdr of "split-list" which is not listp.
>   [condition type: SIMPLE-ERROR]
> [...]
> [changing package from "COMMON-LISP-USER" to "BASE"]
> [1] BASE(13): :zo
> Evaluation stack:
>    (COMP::TRANS (ASSERT # "split-list"))
>    (COMP::PA-COMPILE (ASSERT # "split-list") NIL)
>    (COMP::PA-PROGN (# #))
>    (COMP::PA-BLOCK (# #))
> ... more older frames ...
> [1] BASE(14): :cur
> Seems to be a bug, CLtL2 has (assert <test-fun> [ ( <place>* )
> <string> <arg>* ]), i.e. if more than one argument is given, the
> second is a list of places and the third is a string.
> Fix: added a second argument () before the former second argument
> "split-list".

I see. CLISP didn't complain.

> Compiling again:
> [...]
> ;  Note: Closure (:INTERNAL SPLIT-LIST 1) will be stack allocated.
> ;  Note: Closure (:INTERNAL SPLIT-LIST 0) will be stack allocated.
> [...]

Are these messages something important or can they be ignored?

> Ok, here is a bug:
> ;;; Fasl write complete
> Warning: While compiling these undefined functions were referenced:
> Ahhh, you are using atleast this system-dependent function which isn't
> available in Allegro Common-Lisp!  (If `system::print-condition' is
> used to get the printed representation of a condition, why not using a
> `print-object' method for instances of the class `condition'?)

Hm. Good question.

What about the (system::getenv "XINDY_SEARCHPATH") call in
set-searchpath-by-environment? Does it work on Allegro?

> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> After compiling all files and fixed these two remaining bugs, I tried
> the test again:
> [...]
> USER(3): (xindy:startup :idxstyle "attr1.xdy"
>                   :rawindex "attr1.raw"
>                   :output   "attr1.ind"
>                   :logfile "attr1.xlg"   :trace-level 1)
> This is `xindy' version 1.2 (Running on "Allegro CL").
> Opening logfile "attr1.xlg" (done)
> Reading indexstyle...
> Loading module "attr1.xdy"...
> Loading module "testbed.xdy"...
> Finished loading module "testbed.xdy".
> Loading module "class/pagenums.xdy"...
> Finished loading module "class/pagenums.xdy".
> Error in line 29:
> (markup-range :class "follows" :open "\folone{" :close "}f."
> 	      :length 1 :ignore-end)
> Syntax Error in
>        (MARKUP-RANGE :CLASS "follows" :OPEN "\\folone{" :CLOSE "}f." :LENGTH 1
>                      :IGNORE-END).; killing "Editor Server"
> ; Exiting Lisp
> Any hints?  Any hints how to trace/debug Xindy to find this bug?

Hm. Best would be to directly trace the (markup-trace)-macro.

This error message is generated by the
(desctructuring-swith-bind)-macro in idxstyle.lsp (intface.nw). It
preprocesses a macro-call and removes any switches (&switch) form the
lambda-list. The remaining-list is simply passed to a
(destructuring-bind) that for some reason has failed.

Try the following:

      '(:CLASS "follows" :OPEN "folone{" :CLOSE "}f." :LENGTH 1
	))   )

if it returns

-> ("folone{" "}f." NIL "follows" 1 :IGNORE-END)

Then you can try interactively

 '(intface:destructuring-switch-bind (&key
				      open close sep class length
				      &switch ignore-end)
   '(:class "follows" :open "\folone{" :close "}f."
     :length 1 :ignore-end)
   (list open close sep class length ignore-end)))

if it returns the above expansion.

If so, the macro-expansion mechanism seems to work. If not, contact
me. The best will be that I install Allegro for Linux here in the
university to find this error. But I'll not be able to do this before
wednesday ;-(

Thanx for your help.

Roger Kehr
Computer Science Department          Technical University of Darmstadt