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Re: Package for writing raw-indices


using the previously posted example and adding


results in something like

(indexentry :tkey ( ( \active@dq \dq@prtct{E}uler\errhelp {Use `` for
a simple double quote character.}\errmessage {german: The command ")
is undefined}``) ) : attr \errhelp {Use `` for a simple double quote
character.}\errmessage {german: The command "d is
undefined}``definition\errhelp {Use `` for a simple double quo te
character.}\errmessage {german: The command "\space is undefined}``
:locref \errhelp {Use `` for a simple double quote
character.}\errmessage {german: The c omm --

Maybe Bernd knows more about that.

BTW, I used [Package `german', Version 2.5c of 96/05/01], if it is a
problem of our installation here.


Roger Kehr Computer Science
Department Technical University of Darmstadt