Hello, I'd like to start a discussion concerning the handling of style-files within LaTeX documents. Since style files for xindy can be modularized it is possible to extract frequently used modules into a personal library and put only document-specific declarations into the style file. We must keep in mind that index processing is to a large extend directly dependend on the actual document. A good idea would be to have a LaTeX-environment that can be used to write the style-file. Something like \usepackage{xindystyle} \begin{xindystyle} ... \end{xindystyle} would be a good idea. This could write the contents to a style-file which keeps the document and its processing information more coupled. Since I don't know so much about LaTeXs interae I want to know what would be the problem with such an implementation? I know that LaTeX2e has some environment (filecontents, something like that) that does something similar but I'm not sure, if it is possible with LaTeX or TeX to read and output 8-bit characters. Actually, I'm not completely sure, if we need this. Any hints and comments are appreciated. Bye. -- ====================================================================== Roger Kehr kehr@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de Computer Science Department Technical University of Darmstadt